Scholarship Scheme
We provide a comprehensive and generous scholarship program to encourage students to actively pursue excellence in various fields such as sports, music, performing arts, visual arts, community service, character, or academics.
To encourage students to pursue excellence and develop their talents, and to recognize outstanding performance in sports, music, performing arts, visual arts, community service, character, or academics.
Eligibility Requirements
Scholarship | Requirement |
Confucian Academy Scholarship | Outstanding academic performance throughout the academic year at all levels. |
湯恩佳博士經訓獎 | 全年每級儒學科最高成績者。 |
劉月娟獎學金(操行優等生獎) | 操行達A或以上,並須經校方遴選決定。 |
尊師愛校好學生獎(英汝興捐贈) | 個人對本校有特殊貢獻及服務之學生,並須經校方遴選決定。 |
家長教師會獎學金 | (小二至小六:平均分最大進步的學生。) |
呂天增體藝獎 | 在體育、藝術方面有傑出表現者。 |
劉月娟獎學金(操行進步獎) | 上下學期相比,操行有顯著進步。 |
呂俊英獎學金(學科獎)(全年) | 全級各科(中、英、數)之首。 |
高敏才獎學金(學科獎)(全年) | 全級各科(常、STEM)之首。 |
教師獎助學金(創科研究獎) | 在STEM方面有傑出表現者。 |
學科獎 | 每科(音樂、普通話、體育、視藝)第一名。 |